When it comes to a romantic holiday, the first time of year people think of is Valentines Day. However, Christmas is one of the most popular times to give a special gift to that special someone you love. Christmas Eve is also a day when many couples get engaged.
There is just something magical about the Christmas season. It signals the end of the current year and the start of another. It's a time when you show appreciation for others. It's a time of reflection on the past and looking forward to the future.
Many years before starting this company, I used to give some really bad gifts to my girlfriend (although she still became my wife). One year, it was a curling iron. Another year it was a hairdryer and the first year it was a sweater. Even though these were things that she mentioned she really wanted, it wasn't really my place to give them to her (better her mom or brother or grandmother gift them to her).
Try to give something with a personal touch. If you are short on funds, it could be an invitation to a home cooked candlelight dinner at home or a picnic for two in a beautiful secluded setting. If you make it personal, it's hard to go wrong.
In leaving a local business today, the clerk mentioned that she was a bit down about Christmas this year. People had already started to rush through her store like there was no tomorrow so that they could scratch another name off of their Christmas list. Don't be someone who rushes through the holidays buying a gift just for the sake of having to make that purchase. Put in some time and effort (and creativity) and it will be one of the best Holiday Seasons.
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